admin August 27, 2019

Tench is a fairly rare but highly valued freshwater fish. He resides in stagnant and slowly flowing waters, he likes overgrown areas full of aquatic vegetation. He lives and feeds there and also hides from predators, especially catfish. Where else will we be able to catch it in and how to target this beautiful fish?

admin August 14, 2019

Summer is a time for fishing for many species, dominated by cyprinids. The palette of techniques for their fishing is reigned by coarse fishing. In addition to fishing with or without a float, anglers also go fishing with a water ball, and there is another interesting form of river whiting that is popular in England. Fishermen there call it trotting.

admin August 2, 2019

Every now and then, fishermen debate what flyfishing is and what “baits” are generally a part of this sport. We have reviewed some examples from domestic and foreign literature and provided views on the topic.